
Y2 series three-phase induction motors

Y2 Series three-phase induction motor, adopting the national uniform design, has reached the international advanced level of 90's. It can replace Y series induction motor and possess sophisticated features such as new construction, good-looking appearance, low vibration, low noise, economization on power and materials consumption, etc.
Operating conditions
Ambient temperature: -15 °C<θ<40 °C
Sea level: not exceed 1000m
Rated voltage: 土5%

Technical Parameters

Shape and installation dimensions

威宁| 白山市| 洛扎县| 北宁市| 青阳县| 刚察县| 林州市| 甘德县| 永安市| 新昌县| 韩城市| 房产| 教育| 汉源县| 辰溪县| 汝南县| 张家港市| 高邮市| 洮南市| 定日县| 浦县| 中宁县| 寻乌县| 谢通门县| 高碑店市| 南和县| 淳安县| 子洲县| 海晏县| 宁海县| 杭州市| 吉安市| 马鞍山市| 柘荣县| 明水县| 武隆县| 七台河市| 察雅县| 连城县| 钟祥市| 千阳县|